What Cosive's ME Day Means to Me

What Cosive's ME Day Means to Me
February 21, 2024

Hi, I’m Prue Owen - Project Coordinator at Cosive.

I know you don't hear from me much, but this one is important to me...

Cosive ME Day

Cosive gives all permanent staff 1 paid self-care day per month in addition to the usual 4 weeks of annual leave (that is: 12 additional days of leave per year to do things you find fulfilling).

3 small words that can mean so much.

A coffee in a cafe, a browse through a book store, or even just sitting on the couch with nothing turned on in the house for just 5 minutes.

When you have a lot of responsibilities, doesn't matter what they are (life in general sucks at times), to be able to give yourself just 5 minutes to turn it all off is so, so important.

There are so many people who have 5 minutes to spare (or more) and feel they must use it to do more. Do one more load of washing, write one more blog post, attend one more meeting. But those things aren’t worth the price of losing one more hug, one more smile, or one more pat.

As a mother, I’m helping my son finish his final year of high school and teaching him how to navigate the world after. I also have a daughter who is heading into her teens (way too quickly in my opinion) and I’m trying to help her navigate what is to come. Taking those few extra hours a month to centre myself means that not only can I be more present at work, but I can also be more present for my kids.

I am thankful to Cosive every day for their work/life balance outlook. I get to take my daughter to and from school every day. I can help with homework, go to parent-teacher interviews or school shows. There is no question or comment, there are no demeaning remarks or questions like "can't you get someone else to do it?". Instead, requests like these are met with: "OK, see you later".

Cosive’s pure acceptance and trust in me and my work is something I have never seen before.