Endpoint Protection

Our partners offer comprehensive tooling to automatically protect your endpoints from unauthorised access.

CrowdStrike Falcon Complete

CrowdStrike Falcon Complete

Reap the benefits of CrowdStrike.

The highest level of endpoint security maturity delivered immediately, without the burden of building and managing it yourself.

CrowdStrike Falcon Overwatch

CrowdStrike Falcon Overwatch

24/7 Proactive Threat Hunting.

A managed threat hunting service built on the CrowdStrike Falcon platform.

CrowdStrike Falcon Prevent

CrowdStrike Falcon Prevent

Tried and tested to replace your AV.

Today's adversaries do not limit their tactics to the use of malware and exploits. This is why Falcon Prevent provides a new generation of prevention features, capable of defeating new tools and techniques used by attackers and filling the gap left by legacy antivirus solutions that primarily focus on malware.

CrowdStrike Falcon Device Control

CrowdStrike Falcon Device Control

Enable safe and accountable USB device usage.

The wide use of USB devices poses a significant security risk because they can harbor threats and leak data. CrowdStrike® Falcon® Device Control™ allows administrators to control USB devices used in their environments and reduce associated risks.

CrowdStrike Falcon Insight XDR

CrowdStrike Falcon Insight XDR

The complete EDR solution.

Regardless of how advanced your defenses are, there’s a chance that attackers will do an “end run” on your security solution and slip through to gain access to your environment. Conventional defenses don’t know and can’t see when this happens, resulting in “silent failure.” When silent failure occurs, it can allow attackers to dwell in your environment for days, weeks or even months without raising an alarm. The solution lies in continuous and comprehensive visibility into what is happening on your endpoints in real time.

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